Saturday, July 24, 2010

Work At NRV Airport Kicks Into High Gear

Work on the runway rehabilitation has kicked into high gear. The local quarry has delivered a mountain of stone that now sits near the back hangar. In addition, the electrical contractor - Barnes & Powell has done a lot of work running the wires for the new PAPI for Runway 6 and the distance remaining signs. Much of the prep work is underway on the runway, including the final crack sealing, bringing the sod back from the sides of the runway, and some of the milling of the surface itself. As you can see from the picture below, Runway 6-24 remains closed.

Monday, July 19, 2010

NOTAM 07/006

NOTAM number 07/006 has been issued for the New River Valley Airport (KPSK) in Dublin, Virginia. The NOTAM will close runway 6-24 effective Wednesday, July 21st beginning at 7:00am local time.

The runway will remain closed for approximately 15 days for resurfacing.

Friday, July 16, 2010

7/16/2010 - Runway Closure Update

The contractor tells me they are still on schedule with the plan to begin repaving the runway on Wednesday, July 21st. The airport currently remains closed at night (9pm) and reopens in the morning (7am). The plan is to close runway 6-24 the morning of Wednesday, July 21st and not re-open until the paving is complete. However, there is rain in the forecast this weekend, which may impact the contractors ability to finish up their nighttime closure work.

It looks like either Monday or Tuesday, we will close Taxiway A (the taxiway leading to runway 24) in order to accommodate some work being done there. Please check NOTAMs for the current taxiway closure information.

If you are planning on relocating your aircraft for the shutdown, please keep the runway closure and other NOTAMs in mind. The last opportunity to relocate your aircraft will likely be Tuesday, July 20th prior to 9:00PM. (We will close for nighttime work on Tuesday night and if the contractor remains on schedule, we will move right into the full time closure on Wednesday, July 21st.)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Asphalt Plant Comes Together

The pieces of the asphalt plant are starting to come together and the contractor has been doing work on the runway in the evenings to prepare for paving mid-next week.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Nighttime Closure NOTAM Issued

NOTAM number 07/002 has been issued for the New River Valley Airport that will close runway 6-24 for nighttime work from 9:00 PM until 7:00 AM local time beginning Sunday, July 11 and lasting until Wednesday, July 21. The airport will only be closed nighttime during these dates and will resume normal operations daily at 7:00 AM.

Beginning Wednesday, July 21 we will begin re-paving the runway that will constitute a complete shutdown of the runway to operations at that time that is scheduled to extend through August 5th depending on weather. We will keep the blog up to date when that NOTAM is issued.

Should you have any questions, please check NOTAMS or feel free to give us a call at (540) 674-4141.

Congressman Boucher Visits the NRV Airport

Congressman Rick Boucher visited the New River Valley Airport on Wednesday to help us kick off the runway rehabilitation project with a press conference. Congressman Boucher spoke of the importance of the airport for attracting business to the area and moving air cargo. The Congressman spoke about how federal funding that he helped to secure was aiding in the project.

On Thursday, the Roanoke Times ran an article about the project. A link to the article is available here.